Magickal Hit Squad II?

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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II
Post # 11
I like that one sir prize!
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 12
Prize we wont be anything with cookies lol and we are heere to Prevent fight not start them
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 13
It would be nice to have something like this around. Someone to Pm the mods about fights and all of the info and things like that. I am on alot on most days. But you may not see me on to 3 or 4 days at a time.
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 14
I'm so IN.

But how do u expect "we" will stop fights and stuff??
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II
Post # 15
I will help out.
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 16
Faust, We will stop fights by basically defending the person ebing picked on or just by being the meditator

So The current memebership list is

and Faust
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 17
I'm proud to be the peacemaker.
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 18
Where is my membership!
Do we have printable membership cards? Make them edible if you can =D!
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Re: Magickal Hit Squad II?
Post # 19
lmao ill make them
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