What makes you say it is a demon? There are tons of different entities out there. Often times they are self created, such as with a thought form. He it is not harming you in any way then i would suggest taking some time to just get a feel for it. Take note of how it makes you feel being around it, how others act when its present etc. It could be your guardian is still around but just hiding its self. L.L.B :)
Re: What daemon is with me? By: WhiteRav3n / Knowledgeable
Post # 15 Jul 03, 2012
Maybe he's just watching out for you? I see angels as higher beings with missions. Daemons are higher beings with their own agenda. Both have a wide range of strength and can be equally powerful.
I know it is extremely hard for people, but sometimes you're just not going to know the truth. Sometimes you will forever wonder. Assuming and guessing is the worst possible thing you can do. Just ACCEPT that he is there and have FAITH that "if" he wants you to know, you will.
Re: What daemon is with me? By: Nekoshema / Novice
Post # 16 Jul 04, 2012
i doubt it's a demon. just because you turned on angels doesn't mean the polar opposite is now with you. not all angels are good, and not all demons are evil. if you ask me it's a spirit. Rori's the same way and he's a spirit. i can't see him, but i can sense and hear him, my friend can see him though, he's normally an orange ball over my shoulder. but his colour changes depending on how much energy he has. try talking with it, it sounds to me like it's a spirit that wants to hang around you either for protection, or you're giving it something like energy. it doesn't sound dangerous, so say hi.
Re: What daemon is with me? By: 0Ambrosia1 / Knowledgeable
Post # 17 Jul 04, 2012
Please spell demon correctly or else you are just insulting an entirely different group of spiritual beings.
Now then I honestly doubt there is any way for you to figure out who it is. During exorcisms dEmons have been known to guard their name with all their strength. Unless it tells you you are on your own.
0Amborsia actually daemons are an entirely different type of being. they are believed to originate from greek legends or something. they are born with humans and they can shapeshift. heres a link that tells u the difference between daemons and demons: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.spellsofmagic.com/read_post.html%3Fpost%3D797402&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwiwsbTbgOnZAhXLEbwKHY4MC9sQFggLMAM&client=internal-uds-cse&cx=partner-pub-5628668109165058:4272362054&usg=AOvVaw16D4jZktCKWWlhp54nW7Vz you could very well have a daemon. maybe try astral projection to see if you can see them when you feel they dont mind you seeing them