Get out of a marriage

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Re: Get out of a marriage
By: / Novice
Post # 11
Well magickally there's banishings, but I would go the straightforward route and talk to her. I would also try working things out. Speak with a couples councillor so whatever the outcome you have a third party to mediate. If things go south, retraining order. Magickally the banishing but a protection too. It won't cause her to fly away from you if she gets too close, but she should feel uncomfortable and wish to leave. Regarding the controlling ex thing, tell her to take a hike. [Granted it's easier if you don't have kids or something but there's ways around it like an aunt/uncle picking them up when they visit you/her]
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Re: Get out of a marriage
Post # 12
Perhaps you can do a banishing spell, though I doubt it'll help. Just talk to her. The banishing spell would work better if she is already out of your life. Casting a banish spell while you are still married and living in the same home would be stupid. Like I said, talk to her, you have rights.
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