is it just me

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Re: is it just me
By: / Novice
Post # 11
It can be hard to find time. Very hard if you hold it as relative. : ) many of post what makes sense when we can, but there's no sense in posting a BS response to a BS post. It's just...BS. It can be difficult to filter through get to the serious things. But we try.
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Re: is it just me
Post # 12
there is real still here you must look for it :) however if you are new there are some diffrent subjects that i have seen that is not good maybe that is why they dont come back..... as for me i try to help where i can but there are some not worth starting it with they fight you tooth and nail lol. :)
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Re: is it just me
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 13
I have found that the forums here on som are a good place to find information, you just have to look and sometimes wait for the right person to respond. Some of us are longer in the tooth than others but we do try and help as much as we can.
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Re: is it just me
Post # 14
this is true
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Re: is it just me
Post # 15
i'll have to say something to this post; sometimes the post or the answers can be intimidating. some of us are new at this and we are here to learn. not just to get spells and go on. i've joined three covens and i have had success with people helping me, especially lady tessa. there is a broad range of age difference here and sometimes that makes it difficult to post. i am here to learn magic among other things. and i do read and respond to the ones that pertain to what i need. it would be nice if we could all share information without dissing someone else. do that in a private message. i'm not trying to be smart, but sometimes it seems like either someone is trying to outdo someone else, or offended on someone's post.
blessed be
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