Wish Spell...help

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Re: Wish Spell...help
By: / Novice
Post # 11
About the only additional advice I can offer is to also be sure you reflect on/examine the cause of the loss of the home. In the event of getting back into a home, you do not want to repeat the things that led to losing your last one or else it will simply happen again. Magic can effect great change, but it does not ignore cause and effect.

Self-work is a vital cornerstone of the process. Or, as one of my (admittedly many) favorite sayings puts it;

All things begin within the self.
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Re: Wish Spell...help
Post # 12
Wish spell works best on the energy you put while casting the spell if you have faith and unwavering belief..your spell can work wonders you never expected.

This is from my own personal experience.
Thank you
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