Death penalty

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Re: Death penalty
Post # 12
Well, great to hear shes free :D!
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 13
I'm so glad to hear that she'll be alright!
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 14
I beleve witches and warlocs all over the world cheered for her and did much more for her when they heard that she is being judjed for who she is...I know i would...for herand for us...the unnecesery fear of peole who don't understand us!
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 15
Im doing a wish spell for that woman that she survives...

Theres nothing wrong with being a witch, I mean if you believe in some thing that doesnt mean you have to be killed for it.

I mean, theres America and Philippines, theyr'e mostly christian, and whenever there is a muslim that goes to those countries, they dont kill them oor behead them.

Its irrational what theyre doing, I find it unfair and insulting.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 16
Dont do anything. If she survives then that will cause further problems for her. If you could create a doppleganger(or however u spell it) and replace her then that would great. but if dieing is her destiny then dont interfere
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 17
yeah... I never thought of that..

I wont do the spell anymore, I wanted to do the spell today because it's Full Moon tonight..

Thanks for reminding me its "someone up there" 's choice wether or not anyone dies..
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 18
*_* WOW, I am so what not surprised.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 19
hey remember the Middle east hasn't truely been a nations all that long, less then a hundred the 1930s the united states goverment started arming the middle east to get a solid foundation for mining and oil production.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 20
I'm so glad she will be ok. If only she knew she had a whole community looking out for her
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 21
This has been done, its nothing new. Been around the world twice, maybe. Surprised its still going on though.
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