Death penalty

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Death penalty
Post # 1
Has anyone heard about this woman who is said to be a witch in Saudi Arabia, and cos this is against Islam she is to be beheaded this week.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 2
I agree nobody should die cause of their beliefs
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 3
religious are groups of people who believe in something...
that does not show why the islam community should do something like that..i mean its what that witch believe in...t
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 4
OH MY GOD! This is just a repeat of he Inquisition and Pagan trials in the medievel era. In fact, I doubt that person is even a witch!! It's suprising how Paganism is still illegal in many atheist countries.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 5
Yep I read about it it's sick !
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 6
thats totally going to start a magical holocaust,I mean one goes the non-magical beings will figure that they're going to be more of us and then hunt us,then we will have to rebel and it will end bad for both sides.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 7
This is kinda like a hollocaust (me being in Germany does not preclude my talk of the hollcaust, however) Pagans and wiccas (though I doubt she's even a Pagan as I stated eralier) are being disgraced for what they are, not who they are. It has nothing to do with religion, it has nothing to ignorance even, it is politics spreading disgraceful hearsay of Pagans plotting destructive rituals just to stay in power and wealth, but in doing that they harm innocent people.
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 8
Thats horrible:( I wouldn't just take it if somebody tried to kill me, i can tell you that now. The first few people through the door at least would be blown away...
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 9
Being against a religion is like saying u dont like someone because they wear purple...
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Re: Death penalty
Post # 10
thats good news!
i`m happy that the woman did`nt commit crime...
the people of islam should think twice on what they are doing..
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