psychic powers?

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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 12
do i have phsyic power of what i told you or was it just a lucky guerss for all of them
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 13
mugwart tea is also a good tea for opening the third eye, its mugwart, calamile tea and let it brew in the kettle for 10min, drain it off and drink, do not drink all the time as it can be toxic.
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 14
idk i jsut need to know what psychic power i have becuase those 3 things i told you with my friend arent coincidences
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 15
no you dont just geuss things like that irish or not you cant be that lucky so definitely have the power to predict (or atleast i think so). have you tried tarot?
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 16
u think its a joke?!?!?!?!?
well mine pretty wierd i can see the future in my dreans
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 17
it all my things empath, telepathic, read minds all came natually so i cant help you sory
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 18
If you have been truely opend up you are due to meet a few people. You will act oddly around them and a strange sense and knowledge. You will question this knowledge with yourself. See what the person you have this with and see what they say. you may very well be on the way to finding out a few things. During this path of discovery you will find that you are at peace in certain acts with certain elements around you. While you are in a state of peace and tranquility things will come to you. You will question this and disbelieve it, ignore negative thoughts that have been taught to you this lifetime and feel the truth with your soul your inner self.

It feels like you are filing your mind with what you want to, but its not quite as straight forward as that as its messages and memories. It can be one word, a picture, a feeling. Keep pondering and questioning and the truth becomes clear.
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 19
nicely put brrr..... i have to agree, try new things try things otherwise you thaught to be impossible, if you dougt it, do it. Let only the unknown and whats beyond what you've restrained yourself with be the reason to experiment, and every now and then stop right smack dab in the middle of a busy sidewalk and think deeply about what all these people arround you have in comman, understand the depths of which these things these people plants animals everything, open yourself and relax, feel the breeze against your face and remember.... the unknown shouldn't be feared or dougted it should be the reason to keep going and discover the inner of our world.... this place was given to us and we should try harder and harder to make ourselves better beings physically, mentally, and spiritually... don't deprive your senses encourage them!
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 20
this is an awesome post
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Re: psychic powers?
Post # 21
although I tend to go with "If in doubt go without" simply cause something bad normally follows though I still like taking the odd risk.
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