The Shadow Lords

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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 121
shadowlords dont seem so tough
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 122
then again, u always seem to be fooling around
(no offense)
but if your not going to take these forums seriously, then stop posting foolish replies
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 123
alright ill say this again the shadow lords are not all that and a bag of chips. i mean come on everyone get a grip on your selves. no Anciant magick or tools are needed, se they would be nice to have but they would do the same thing some present spells would do. and the whole thing about killing them instead of banishing them, you were wrong the do not regenerate the reason why we banish and lock demons and spirits away instead of killing them is so WE can use them in the futer to our own advantage, got it. you all need not to worry so much...
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 124
oh no dudes dont meet them they are so evil they try to persuade you to kill yourself true story please stay away from them dont look into their eyes trust me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im serious
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 125
This has gotten extremely mixed up. There are so many contradictions and rants about people being wrong, it's a shame. The fact is, regardless of warnings, people will still join them. All this arguing has killed my belief in this whole thing to tell you the truth and probably turned a lot of others away too. When I read these posts, I don't see thought or purpose. This seems like a bunch of people freaking out. It's hard to believe it's real when there is a whole mess of posts with chatspeak such as "u" for you and "2" for to/o and horrible grammar. It makes me think it's a story children have come up with. The only people who make sense here are Jahbulon and a few others. Stop panicing, use your minds and think out a plan. My belief has swayed to a Native prophecy that is in a thread under general info. I'm not saying the shadow lords don't exist, I'm sure they do. Evil exists in many forms and this is no exception. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, that's not my purpose.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 126
well truly, there are many beleifs that are going on, and i see ur point, people seem to be panicking and arguing, let us just see what happens
and on this not, stop panicking, it wont get us anywhere
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 127
ive read through this entire thread and im sure that normally i would agree that this might be a case of mass hysteria. HOWEVER ever since i was young i got "vibes". sort of visions. normally they would be silly things like someone's comeing ect, but recently i have been having major bad vibes. the worst i've ever felt. now im only 15 and an amature at magic but i know enough to realise the vibes mean something. also i have had sleeping problems since i was born. if left on my own i WILL sleep till midday, but for the past week i keep waking up at 3 in the morning. as i said before im only a rookie but its a habbit of mine to always help so im willing to help in this situation. i will post again if i have any more vibes or dreams.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 128
see everybody, this stuff means something, recently and for a while, people have been having visions and other stuff that show of a threat approaching, what to do?
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 129
What do they look like?Cuz i had a weird dream yesterday in wich i was walking the i saw a hooded "something",it had glowing white eyes the i looked back "it" took out a book it had an insignia on it,then i ran away(I was 2x faster there)the sky was really dark,there was nobody in the street exept for me and some of the gys from my school we were runing from "it" then i finally entered my house when i entered i heard screaming i was scared.
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Re: The Shadow Lords
Post # 130
no idea what they really look like, and try asking around for what ur dream means
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