What's your excuse?

CovenNatural Magick ► What's your excuse?
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Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 141

I would, but I'd be too tempted to make Stitch noises and wreck it right afterwards lol.

Who wants to go with me for a jog?!? :D

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 142
I would love to go for a jog, but I would run on all fours and probably ditch to go to Starbucks.

On that note, who wants to go to Starbucks with me? :3 ~^-^~

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 143

Would love to go to Starbucks with you! But, I'm on a diet!

Would anyone care to have a phone call with me?

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 144

I legit have phone anxiety so you're just gonna be talking to nothing but some creep breathing on the other end.

Who wants to learn how to cook some Chinese food with me? :D

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 145
I would love to learn to cook Chinese food with you, but I already know how to, and I don't want to anyways :3

Does anyone want to take care of baby animals with me ~^-^~

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 146

I would, but I'm probably allergic to them like I am everything else lol.

Who wants to marathon Inuyasha with me? :D

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 147

I would love to marathon Inuyasha with you but I am too busy giving out tarot readings!

Would anyone like a tarot reading?

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 148
I would love a tarot reading, but I'm deep frying moon pies.

Would anyone like to try my deep fried moo pies.

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 149

Would love to try your deep fried moon pies... but.... I'm just too busy writing a story about the moon.

Would anyone like to read the story I wrote about the moon? :)

Re: What's your excuse?
Post # 150

I would but I have alreasy read it before!

Anyone wanna go on an adventure!?! :D

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