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Re: Servants
By: / Novice
Post # 19
we all have our views and beliefs.. but invoker why on earth are you on this site if you do not believe of the connections with the universe etc..

For I can see you are the ultimate bully that no-one appears to like yet hang around you due to fear.. must be a very lonesome place you are in
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Re: Servants
Post # 20
I am not a bully and i do not want people to fear me... just because i belive in these concepts does not mean that i am actively out to harm others. If people wish to hang with me that is their choice; no one is forcing them and they have no reason to be afraid of me. Only my enemies need fear me, i bear no ill will toward the vast majority of people; you seem to think that i am out to spread pain and suffering... i am not, and it is pretty presumtous of you to make that insinuation. The people who hang with me do so becuase they either agree with my views or at least find them somewhat interesting. Nowhere in any of my posts did i ever threaten or rough up anyone... you are slandering me and i would ask you to cease. You don't agree with me... i get that, this is America so we don't have to agree but i will not tolerate being harrassed because you think me evil. Don't criticize my beliefs and i won't yours, but i wish to hear no more of this futile philosophical debate; neither of us can win and keeping this conversation going is a waste of time for both of us. Let this pointless arguement end.
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Re: Servants
Post # 21
I wasn't insinuating anything, however if you want our little dicussion to end, it will.
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Re: Servants
Post # 22
Yes, that would be good... nothing constructive could come of it; it was a doomed ship from the beggining and keeping it afloat is not worth the effort. Oh well... on to the next post.
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Re: Servants
By: / Novice
Post # 23
I was merely stating what I felt from your energies as I read your post and your words.. for you appear to some what an angry person for what ever reason that is.. I do not however harras anyone on this site; for those that know me know this..
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Re: Servants
Post # 24
Angry pherhaps... but not without cause. What is wrong with anger, it is a human emotion and it exists for a purpose else nature would not have included it in our programing. You all despise negativity and consider it unatural but if it is then why does it exist? Evolution does not do things just for the hell of it, nature does not give its creations attributes unless those attributes serve some beneficial, needed purpose. The same would go for the Gods as well; it simply does not make sense that such beings would give their creations negative emotions if it they were not needed. Like it or not negativity serves an important purpose and without it the universal balance would be thrown out of alignment. You cannot have good without evil, order without chaos, love without hate, and peace without anger. I have accepted this and while it does not necessarily give me pleasure to live the harsh and insensitive philosophy that i do... in the end it is the only path availiable. There is no room for weakness in this world, the only way to survive and prosper is to harden your heart and do what must be done whatever the outcome. If you must become a monster to survive then that is what you become; you do what you must, become what you must or you end up used and dead. The path of darkness is grim and oppressive, but by following it one can ensure their own survival and prosperity. And of course... if you succeed great power can be attained; power is pherhaps the one thing in existance worth having. Love is fleeting, power is eternal.
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Re: Servants
Post # 25
Love is everlasting...for those that don't believe surely have never been truly loved or have surely never shown it. Power is like a flame, the hotter it burns the faster it'll burn out. Also, ValerieR is amazing, just't mess with her.
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Re: Servants
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 26
  1. This site was created by a Canadian who has stated that you do not have the American freedom of speech while on this free to be a member site.
  2. You can not have peace without knowing war and you can not have forgiveness without knowing anger.
  3. Humans are creatures that have evolved to become one of the most intelligent species on earth. Our minds have lead us to reach the top of the food chain. No longer does the physically strongest only survive. Our world has changed and so with it our concisenous. We are the predator however we are also the pray. Our spirituality helps us devour our fears and enables us to become vulnerable to be eaten by gods. We eat of the creatures and take their spirits within ourselves as the powers at be pray on us and do the same. We feed them our energy just as our physical body one day feeds the earth. You can see yourself as predator, pray, or both but you should always remember that it was not you alone that placed you where you are today or in the future. We are but shadows in a play for the powers at be and after we are done in this life we are food for worms and gods as we transform into our next state.
  4. As for making servants or other magical entities to do your bidding, it can be done but I suggest creating minions instead. Minions are those who are willing to aid you of their own free will. They are not only easier to make but are also more reliable in times of true need. ; )
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Re: Servants
Post # 27
I need to become a weretiger

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Re: Servants
Post # 28
Interesting name for them, I always lumped my created buddies under the heading servitor. I really prefer they have free will ( long as they are loyal) and find they achieve better results that way. Plus its fascinating to watch them develop and grow. As for you Invoker, how did you come to these realizations. Oh yeah, evilavatar, if you want to become a weretiger, learn to astral travel. Because that is the only way you would be able to achieve that form.
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