To make someone Suffer

Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► To make someone Suffer

Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 3
I think I suffered enough reading that gibberish.
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 4
Why in all the Gods names would you want to come to a public forum and post some gibberish ,,about of all things bringing suffering on somone.Dont you think there is enough suffering in the world.You give no reason or rhyme as to why you want to promote this suffering,you just want to do it.You say this is your first spell,wellI I hope if this is the road you plan to travel ...its your last.Maybe if I had some idea as to why you wanted to cause suffering I could better understandmbut I doubt it,you my friend(and I use the term loosly)are proof of the need for Return to sender spells..
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Re: To make someone Suffer
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5
all I can say is remember 3 fold. What you send out will come back on you 3 fold. You will deserve it too!
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 6

To each their own and all...but I doubt you will succeed. 1. That's a poor spell. "do something"? Be a bit more vauge. What if your respective gods choose to let them find a pot of gold? Kinda screws that up huh?

2. Why make them suffer through magick? Can't you handle life without magick?

Basically, do what you will. But if those are the spells you are writing, I see a very low sucess rate. Sorry.
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 7
An it harm none, do what ye will
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 8
It harmed me while reading...
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 9
I don't judge this person for doing his thing. We have no idea about his suffering caused by anybody. I am in a situation where I have done all good things to a neighbor to stop her from harassing people, but nothing worked.

He must be doing this out of desperation. I have nothing against giving someone the dose of their own bad doings.
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 10
Even pure evil can make things right. Please think about that before you judge.
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 11
I just lost a score of neurons reading that spell.

A. Half of the words were misspelled
B. The Grammar sounded like an ape with a lisp
C. And bringing suffering? WHY? (And threefold doesn't always apply)
D. What force are you calling? Spouting gibberish like that would confuse the Primordials, much more a bloody elder or even archaic? They'll probably think you wanna die and end your (and our) suffering!
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Re: To make someone Suffer
Post # 12
its will work if you beleive it does not matter what you say you could say pike a pika boo and it would work magic isd all about engery you can do anything if you put your mind to it
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