Random Comment

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Re: Random Comment
Post # 271
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 272
*kicks 2008 out the door* hello 2009
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 273
Hi 2009! *burns 2008 with a M9 flamethrowerr*

Follow me through the night
We are sisters of the light
We are daughters of sin
We are laughter in the wind
Follow me through the night
We are sisters of the light
We are wild, we are free
Through the darkness follow me
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 274
Woot darkness :)
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 275
Srry. That's a song called Sisters of the Light by Xandria.

But. let's run through the darkness! *runs into a pole*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 276
I lost my "left" side in the dark.. Im all "right" now.

Hehehe.. hahaha... ahihihi... YOu're funny! *smacks nightscape*
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 277
I knwo I'm funny. But I'm half evil....999. Oops. IU guess I'm 1 1/2 evil lol xF
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 278
wow night ur special
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Re: Random Comment
Post # 279
YAY. me is spacial. *goes onto space*
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Re: Random Comment
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 280
wonders where all the "specail" ones are hiding?

I hate when they hide from me!
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