I have created a test of which point your most best at. take a sheet of paper draw Circles on the sheet of paper with colored
markers. with colors that represent a element. then pick a colored circle the one your pick is the element your best at.
Well, there are already a plethora of divination techniques, but I've not personally heard of any involving the sun. I'm sure there are some that exist, though. How much practical experience do you have with testing these techniques? Have others studied these to test their validity? How exactly do these carry into the realm of martial arts?
If I'm not mistaken, aside from the effects of the sun and moon you listed, all of these things are already taught in many martial art paths.
Well I've never heard of these specific attributes being granted to the elemental approach to martial arts nor the inclusion of quite so many however Wu Xing (Chinese elemental theory), and the Godai (Japanese theory) are both commonly used in a variety of martial arts techniques. Your attributes appear closer to the Godai theory however as Wu Xing typically describes technique over physical attributes.
The ability to focus you ki flow through the body can produce many of the effects that you described. What you say is a vision is actually true knowledge. Staring into the sun probably produced a past life regression for you and this is what you remember. And yes the elemental list that you described is eastern in origin. Many of these concepts though are exceptionally difficult and can usually only be done to success by masters. Many martial arts styles are centered around these elements of Ki Kung.
Eh,I'm not so sure on it. Many people have personalized views of each element, and how one interacts with them isn't how another will. I'm not saying your method isn't plausible, but I feel like I might *might* be able to achieve some of the same effects just by trying to imitate varying elements on a spiritual level.If you think light you feel light, and what have ye. You'll find people havs been using the elements to enhance different aspects of their lives for awhile now. Albeit, different lists of elements exist in different circles.
Many of these concepts are already taught in other paths. Just in different ways. For instance the chakras are the same thing as that of which you speak. Nature points as you call them. And there are many paths and stuff that deal with chakras so the concept is not as obscure as we might think.