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Re: Quiz!
Post # 31
Isnt the god that has to do with the capricorn, a river-god? The way I believe the myth goes is Heracules tore the gods horn off, amd that horn became the first capricorn. I could be wrong.
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Re: Quiz!
Post # 32
Capricorn - The Goat
Capricorn - The Goat
Capricorn - The Goat - 22 December - 19 January

A Feminine, Cardinal Earth sign.
Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, has the image of a goat. In Babylonian symbolism, Capricorn was a horned goat with a mermaid like tail. Many early astrological manuscripts are shown in a form that is closer to Babylonian image, in later times the Greek symbol of the goat was adopted.
In astrological traditions Capricorns seek to live in the light of day, are ambitious and admirers of excellence.
Alchemy: Fermentation
American Indian:
Animal: Goat, Ass
Birthstone: Ruby
Colour: Dark Brown, Black, Grey
Day: Saturday
Egyptian: Khnum
Element: 3rd of three Earth signs
Gods/Goddess: Bacchus, Pan, Khem, Saturn, Cronos
Greek: Pan
Hawaiian: MAKALII
Indian (Sanskrit): Makara
Metal: Lead
Perfume: Musk, Lilac, Vetiver, Mimosa
Plant: Indian Hemp
Quality: 4th of four cardinal signs
Roman: Bacchus
Tarot: Devil
Weapon: The Secret Force
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