i think it is time...

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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 41
it is funny that you say that. pet and the mods don't decide with each other. pet tells them want he is going to do and they do it. they even vote on there own without pet saying it is fine... that is why most of the 2012 posts where deleted before.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 42
Chaos, as you know, that was a time when Pet had been away on a trip and had left two Specific mods in charge to make it democratic.

They did a good job, especially with hackers and spammers being really rampant then.

As for doing what Pet says... Its his Site. his time, his money, ect.

I think we would be highly ungrateful for being allowed to assist with the sites growth if we ignored him.

Consider that when you had voiced your complaints he could have Already been coding the new site and Resolveing the issues you voice with it.

To delay the issue *here* and fix all the problems at once with the advent of a much improved Spells Of Magic, I feel, is worthwile.

Regardless it is moot to mention, as the new site will have fixes this anyway.

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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 43
then i look forward for this new site, hoping that it is better then this one. it is not with the bugs i am taking about, but with the some of the people. they need more protection and i was trying to do what i thought was right.
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Re: i think it is time...
Post # 44
We need another rank to be able to warn others of what they're doing wrong, for e.g. Racial implications and Sexist post warns, like [Please edit your post, Reason: Racial Implication "Quote"]
Also, we need an "Edit" button for the posts!!
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