remarks from a moderator

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 41
toss up. i have no clue. it would be fun to watch though.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 42
happy happy day!!!

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 43
Aye that it would. Much more fun to be a part of, still I wonder why no one is voting. Please vote. I wish to see what people think.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 44
I find chaotic power is rather cunning and adaptable..

But it really boils down to personal skill, and you two might be equals or on various levels.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 45
i personally think you would win have the raw energy....all i have is control and will be quite a battle though, that is for sure.

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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 46
It depends on how much control Satan has over his raw power. If he can control it then I think he would win.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 47
he is learning to control it.....when we do have the battle, we will tell you the winner
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 48
I have finally gotten to the point where I can control my energy enough to make it surround me and move a certain distance. After about 100 yards though, I lose it. I have enough control to survive in a battle, that is for sure, but for now, I honestly think that is Luzifer keeps his cool and trys to keep control, he will win.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 49
Hey Luzifer, for starters I refer myself as a wiccan and a I have studied both for over 14 years and what you said was not offencive in anyway. I really enjoy reading your posts, like many others have said you answer in a truthful and knowledgable way and some people cannot handle that.
I hope all goes your way, for what it is worth you have my support as well.
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Re: remarks from a moderator
Post # 50
if all went my way, i would be a mod by now.

but i do not think its necessary, enough people know me on here to back me up, and know that when i speak, i am speaking as honestly as i can.

who knows what the future holds though......

ps. satan, thanks for the compliment.

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