Help Learning

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Re: Help Learning
Post # 7
First of All sorry for using text speech
I am willing to meditate and harness energy but I don't know how to how to actually carry out the procedures therefore can you help me just to help me begin this journey.
Thank You
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 8
What you have just practiced is called Kapalabhati or the cleansing breath. It is a beginning exercise in Pranyama. Pranyama is a combination of 2 Sanskrit words Prana or life force and ayama or to extend. The Hindu's believe that our life force is connected to the very air we breath. This is also a basic practice in qi gong training.
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Re: Help Learning
By: / Novice
Post # 9
St Ignatius of Loyola wrote the Spiritual Exercises and this is a great method to train for meditation and has a Catholic perspective.

Same principles of relation, visualization and so on and very easy to follow.

Good luck and good questions.

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Re: Help Learning
Post # 10
Meditation is a practice in all religions, sometimes called "contemplation" or something similar, and there are many different ways to meditate. The word usually brings to mind the idea of something akin to Zen meditation: sitting still, present, quiet, trying not to think. But there are ways to meditate and channel energy that are very active and involve concentrated focus on an object, motion, sound, thought. It's about being able to be present and fully in a moment. That's when you can become aware of your energy and able to channel it.
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 11
Okay thank you for clearing that up so how do I get started I have tried what Vader13 told me - Kapalabhati and so how do I go on to learn more, like most people I have a short concentration span and whenever I mediate or tyr to at least my mind drifts - is that mediation (sorry for for my ignorance). I don't know and would love to be calm and channel energy and maybe even use it i mean I am willing to believe and act if possible

thank you vader13, thor and komachi but how do I progress is the simple question
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 12
Simply put, you just keep going, keep trying. Your mind wanders because it is not used to being controlled. Most everyone in the world is controlled by their mind -- learning to control your mind is something people never stop practicing and striving for. Yes, even the wandering parts are meditation. The whole experience is meditation. Eventually it gets deeper.

I'm sorry if that seems like such an uninspiring answer. It might help us if we knew what exactly your goal is with meditation? What are you expecting?
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 13
Work with the exercise I gave you for about a week. Try it every day! Pay attention to how it makes you feel. Don't worry about what you think it's supposed to do pay attention to what it does.
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 14
Since your new, I suggest checking out some of the articules and difference paths people take. So you can pick something that's right for you. If you find you still need some pointers, feel free to message me..
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 15
Thanks Vader Komachi and Cyanid

Komachi I have learnt so far that magick - correct me if I am wrong is the art of crafting and using the natural forces around us to create a change it is neither good or bad it is the way I focus it and I want to be able to do that but I reliase I must begin somewhere hence I chose mediation, I am a bad tempered guy and lose my temper easily if I am able to extinguish that anger and use it to become one with natural forces is my main goal - being able to harness the 4 elements if possible is my main goal.
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Re: Help Learning
Post # 16
So what next in my journey
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