
Forums ► Introduce Yourself ► hihi

Re: hihi
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 7
hi komodo, and welcome to the site, i to have seen spirits since i was young and yes its very cool
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Re: hihi
Post # 8
Osiyo Komodo,welcome to the site
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Re: hihi
Post # 9
hi and thanks every one

still no help with profile grrrrrrrrrr oh well
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Re: hihi
Post # 10
I cannot see spirits or anything like that. Is there a spell to be able to do so?
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Re: hihi
Post # 11
I can also sense spirits, good and bad and feel pain like you.
Sometimes I can hear them or see them also. It makes me nervous a lot of the time. Once I saw something horrible and I wouldnt go upstairs on my own or be left alone. But, thats a whole different thing... Good to know im not the only one! :)
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Re: hihi
Post # 12
did you ever tell your parents about these odd things?
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Re: hihi
Post # 13
yeah, my mum believes cos she can do it too. My dad thinks we are crazy. Sad really.
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Re: hihi
Post # 14
i'm sorry.... why hasn't your mum ever thought of being a wiccan, and learning about these powers?
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Re: hihi
Post # 15
dunno, she believes in the christian god i guess... Although she has brought this book of spells which I cant understand cos she is supposed to be christian. I think she like the religion, too deep down. Infact, I have heard her say before i'm a white witch and my brothers and dad laughed so she probably feels noone would take it seriously. I need to have a good talk with her. :)
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Re: hihi
Post # 16
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