Elder Council of Magic

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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 91
Yes I would. I would also like to become apart of the council only if it is available.

I might join another coven while waiting though. Tell me if it is ade
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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 92
RAWR!! I call a spot in council!
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Re: Elder Council of Magi
Post # 93
ok and yea
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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 94
lol i got the first spot i called it before yall rofl
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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 95
How cares who called it first. It is the knowledge that counts.
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Re: Elder Council of Magi
Post # 96
Just so u all no there is more than one spot lol
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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 97
I know that. Hmmm but do they know that?
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Re: Elder Council of Magi
Post # 98
they shoukd...lol
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Re: Elder Council of Magic
Post # 99
Anyways would this coven teach empathy and how to control it? I hear this is most wanted in covens.
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Re: Elder Council of Magi
Post # 100
yea theres stuff on that
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