Invocation Of Genies

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Invocation Of Genies
Post # 1
I would like to know anyone can share how to "control" them. So far most of the other website i see... all cost $100+ but it kinda .....
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Re: Invocation Of Genies
Post # 2
All I know about them, is to not buy them off ebay. =)

I haven't put much thought into trying to connect with one in any way. I say " I wish " far to much with little meaning behind it to have any wish granting creature near me. :/
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Re: Invocation Of Genies
Post # 3
i wonder if there anyone could teach us how to invocate them
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Re: Invocation Of Genies
Post # 4
whoa there. Do not go and buy things like that. If you are talking about a real genie and not some plastic piece of crap.

Spells that are bought do not work and there are people who scam to make money off the desperate. If it is an entity that you speak of, then buying one does not give you control, neither does the buying of the invocation to control one.

Look in your heart and you will see. Create your own chant and you can't be wrong if it works for you.

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