Spells for Ja

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Spells for Ja
Post # 1
Hello all I am new here. I am 40yrs old, married with one child. I grew up in a Christian/Jewish family and could never get into the idea that GOD was real. As I became older I started to study other religions and came to my own beliefs. One is that I beleive we control what happens and nature needs to be worshipped. One of the beliefs I follow is Norse.
I think spells are apart of our nature and we must use them. I feel it is a lost art that is not celebrated. I want to learn more and teach my child.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
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Re: Spells for Ja
Post # 2
Merry Meet Jaja

I hope you can use this site as it is really good. I am glad that you are following your heart now and wish you many blessings on your path.

If you need any help please message me.

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Re: Spells for Ja
Post # 3
thank you!
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