Hello out there!

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Hello out there!
Post # 1
Hi everyone! ^^ You can call me Kagamin, I came on here to connect better with other Wiccans and pagans in general, since there aren't that many around me. I've been Wiccan for the past 3 years, and I'm really into anime and collectible figures. See you around the forum! :3
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Re: Hello out there!
Post # 2
hey Kagamin im newand i just wanted to say hi and tell you im a pagan also thanks
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Re: Hello out there!
Post # 3
Kagamin how old are you?
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Re: Hello out there!
Post # 4
hello in there! nice to meet you
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Re: Hello out there!
Post # 5
hello there
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Re: Hello out there!
Post # 6
Merry Meet Kagamin, and welcome to this wonderful site full of pagans, wiccans, witches and many others who add to the flavour of "Spells of Magic"

I too am wiccan and have been for about six years now. I love anime in as much as I draw and paint. I am also into ATC's.


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