hello fellow people

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hello fellow people
Post # 1
i ahev resently started doing church and started not doing magic but i am starting to relize my place is here with my fellow friends so i am coming bak, well am bak so i hope to see ya around
,blessed be isit
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Re: hello fellow people
By: / Novice
Post # 2
You could do both. Granted I had my fill of church a loooooooooong time ago. But I'd be a liar if I said I didn't learn a lot in church. And there's even some stuff to be learned from the bible, regardless of what kind of book you view it as. Lol. You may not want to clue the church folk into neither the fact that you are a practicioner of magick, nor that you simply mean to learn and not practice. Or practice if you want. It's all weird to me I guess, because it's just learning a variety of things and how they fit together or don't. Regardless, the church folk think you're a hypocrite or worse, and all you can do is laugh at them. Get exorcised, or something. Lol. Sorry to ramble. Lol.
Do what thou wilt.
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Re: hello fellow people
Post # 3
and besides they use magic to even though they do not know it what you think praying is it a tpye of magic very christion ever master
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Re: hello fellow people
Post # 4
i have done church before and the bible does teach alot but i dissagree with some of the rules in the bible
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Re: hello fellow people
By: / Novice
Post # 5
You gotta kinda filter...and do a little better job than the church did.
I got beef with people who preach levitical law.
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Re: hello fellow people
Post # 6
yes exactly, well ayways happy thanksgiving people
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