Hello to all.

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Hello to all.
Post # 1
Hi, my name is teri and Im new here so I would love to meet some of you on here. Im new to magick and witchcraft although Ive always held an interest in it. Id be fascinated to meet anyone who is psychic as I am slightly although Im not sure how to develop it. Blessed be to everyone!
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Re: Hello to all.
Post # 2
oh howdy! glad ya found us and nice to meet u =^.^=
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Re: Hello to all.
Post # 3
Hello, nice to meet you too! :)
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Re: Hello to all.
Post # 4
hello and merry met
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Re: Hello to all.
Post # 5
Merry Meet Teri and welcome.

Being psychic is something that you can develope to a certain degree but there are some people who have a gift for it - a bit like art, you can either paint or struggle to paint....

Hope we can learn together and teach each other what we know.


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