New! o.o

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New! o.o
Post # 1
Hi everybody, I'm new around here. I'm the cousin of Itazuki, hopefully anything he's said about me has been good things. X3
Anyway, I've been doing magic in one form or another for roughly 6 years, and I've been pagan just as long. Don't really have a set path, I just kinda do what feels right, so I guess I could be called eclectic. o.o Not sure if I'll join a coven or not, since my past experience with them offline has been less than stellar, but we'll see. I've heard good things, so maybe I'll end up someplace. XD
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Re: New! o.o
Post # 2
welcome :]
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Re: New! o.o
Post # 3
Merry Meet and welcome TwilightEon.

Hope to see lots of you in the forums.


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Re: New! o.o
Post # 4
new also!!! my name is loren, and for the past year, i have been researching into wicca. i am just starting to try some spells and rituals. reply this message to user "2121"
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