To Improve Psychic Powers

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To Improve Psychic Powers
Post # 1
To Improve Psychic Powers

By Nephie (Silver Oak Herbals)

Psychic ability is not developed with one spell but rather through a series of events throughout one's life. Studying the stars, dream recording, and maintaining a healthy diet are good steps for development. Perform this spell during a new or full moon. To do so, you must release your third eye; dress in yellow and place yellow candles on your altar. If you have a crystal ball, place it in the centre. Brew yourself a cup of saffron tea (or chamomile) to drink while meditating. Sit comfortably before your altar, breathing deeply. Think of your spine as a serpent uncoiling, reaching up, raising your energy. Light some incense that contains any of several herbs that are good for psychic work, such as wood betony, sandalwood, olibanum, uva ursi, nutmeg powder, or orrisroot powder.

As you inhale the smoke of these herbs, chant softly under your breath:

I am the channel of divine
insight in the universe. My
inner eyes see what my god/dess
sees. My inner ears hear
what my god/dess hears. My inner
heart loves what my god/dess loves.

Do not spend more than 30 minutes at this. When you retire, hold for a moment that fleeting feeling that comes just before slipping into sleep. Hold it an remember it, then let it go. Keep yellow candles burning in your room, fresh flowers by your bed, and a window open so you have fresh air at night.
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Re: To Improve Psychic Po
Post # 2
Can we say sympathatic much?
"Pychic ability is not developed with one spell" and yet you give a spell ok talk about contradaction. And yellow lets be real its sympathitc. its common knoweldge that the color purple is used with psychic development.
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Re: To Improve Psychic Powers
Post # 3
your right it isnt developed with one spell , it takes practice ,
read what it says before your quick to form an opinion ,

you have to learn t crawl before you can walk ..
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Re: To Improve Psychic Powers
Post # 4
I didn't form a oppion, I repeated common knoweldge.My personal oppion of it is not nice to say so I won't say it here but u can probly guess what it is. I found my start by opening my third eye.
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Re: To Improve Psychic Powers
Post # 5
I am not worried all is well simple mistake .. that is why I stress to everyone well even to myself .. read slowly and make sure you have understood what you have read ..

anyway ,
Brightest Blessings
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