Where are powerful spells

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Where are powerful spells
Post # 1
Where are all the powerful spells? The ones people hear about, creating flames in your hands, moving waters with your mind, i know thoseare forms of kinesis, but why can no one become ough in them to simply perfom such a feat? What about the actual spells, such as a physical summoning of a creature, or the casting a spell that allows for some sort of physical manifestation, such as moving the body from one point in time to another, or levitation that simply works, or the ability to physically shapeshift your body or conuring flames and water on a level that is not a type of kinesis. Forgive me if i am being to... movie style, but i have sought for many years someone with such ability, or a way to gain such ability. But never have i found such actual magic. Does such powerful magic truely exist? I know the odds of finding on the internet are slim, but water better resouce might i have you know?
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Re: Where are powerful spells
By: / Novice
Post # 2
A person can do whatever he wishes when he learns what is true. Lol or she. Sorry.
It is not important if something is possible, plausible, or if it does or did exist. What is important is that the will pushes forward.
However, when people realize what is true, even the very elements you wish to manipulate are of little relevance.
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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 3
and what would you do if you ... found it ?
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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 4
-Perdurabo, im not quite sure i understand... i get most of it... but what do you mean by "when people realize what is true, even the very elements you wish to manipulate are of little relevance."

-Pantheriaa, i doubt i would flaunt i, but i am human so i might show a couple friends, even though it sounds completely untrue for a human to wat such powerful for non selfish means, i truely want the knowledge that it exists, while to merely have proof that it exists would be bitter sweet victory, asi ould know, but could prove to no one, it would be better than nothing, i truely want that sort o power for simple tasks, to light a fire, to put it out, to partake in past events, to commune with nature, and most of all, to help people, if i could physically heal people with magic, i would be able tobecome a miracle doctor, and in the aweful event of a terrible car accident, icould save those invloved, but even after all my seeking, i havent even come close in the slightest way :-/
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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 5
so pardurabo you dont believe in all this magick
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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 6
Merry Meet Zacc.

With powerful magick comes growth and with growth comes silence. The ones who wield this sort of power have learnt the value of silence. When you grow in the craft of magick you learn how to keep your own councel and not parade what you have done in front of one and all.

There are many people out there who can do all sorts of things with magick but they are people with maturity who know the value of what power they have.

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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 7
RowanAdara - i very much like your answer, but how would i go about learning such powerful magicks if those who know them stay silent, i myself would not parade them around, i would only show those who are close to me, and mature enough to handle such thngs...
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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 8
it seems so imposibble to get a good start, or a good grip on this sort of thing, as many years as i have been trying, i have never been able to go beyond my meek naturl abilities i cannot improve th3em, i cannot gain new ones, i cant grow and blossom, and i cant find any way to go farther, everything is so clouded with rumours and false information :-/
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Re: Where are powerful spells
By: / Novice
Post # 9
I absolutely believe in magick. Lol. I have, I do and I will. I alsobelieve that every single person is capable of doing each of the fantastical practices mentioned. Will they? No. Only a handful of people, even our very own practicioners are able to find a means. Why? Because we allow ourselves to be limited but what we can see,taste and touch.
Magick is not, probably, even 10% about what we are physically capable of, but what we are mentally capable of denying.
Each of us is programmed in such a way, from birth, that truth is we know absolutely, and what we know absolutely can be physically proven to ourselves over and over again. We rip things apart, and analyze, and analyze some more until we get to the very root of the physical nature and properties of things.
I harp on Buddhism a lot, and more particularly to a few statements that I believe speak volumes, even if you rip them to shreds.
One of such quotes is this: "we are what we think. All that we are arises within our thoughts."
Growing up, my mother used to tell me I could be whatever I wanted. Well, if course I wanted to be superman. After a while, I realized I was not Superman (so sad) and at some point completely let it slip my programming. I wonder now how we can let something so vital slip, but let the you gotta see to believe philosophy stick. I don't know why that's relevant exactly, so let me get back to my point.
To answer you as to what I mean, I will tell you that everything you see, feel, touch, the way you do these things, the way you acknowledge things, is the way that you were programmed to. The names you know things and people by are what you are told they are. You're routine from the time you wake up til the time you nestle back in, is just that...a routine. Perception is man's worst enemy and very few even know it. Kill it. Kill perception, kill your ego. Die daily. What do I mean? Why, whatever I want to mean, of course.
A little encouragement: if you focus your energy on to a flame, not much is going to happen. However, if you can find a way to link your energy with the energy of the flame, you'll have a starting point. Keep in your head that just because you can't physically see it (yet) does not make the exchange any less real. You can feel it, you can visualize it, and with enough practice you'll be able to make others see it. Just some advice.
Bear in mind, as I reiterate, this is not all that magick is about, and no I don't have any qualms with lumping, psi, kinesis, and the like with magick. I could talk forever, but I won't because I'm starting to lose track of where I'm actually going here...if I was ever going anywhere in the first place.

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Re: Where are powerful spells
Post # 10
WORD Perdu!! nothing left to ad on here, i take my hat off and do a couple flip while reading such a good post.
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