PLZ!!dream interpretation

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PLZ!!dream interpretation
Post # 1
Hello Everyone:
I have been having this dream for few days now, no matter when I close my eyes days or nights, its there, I feel as if its trying to tell me something but I am not able to get the message.
I would appreciate any comment or help on the Subject.
Here it goes:

I always dream that I am seeing this really dark ocean, maybe its night time, and all you can see on the surface is spot lights like planes lights as if they are searching for something or someone.
Then suddenly, I see the bottom of the ocean and it is full of weird creatures, actually scary creatures and in the middle, there is a huge ROCK that is glowing with a very bright RED Colour and beside it, there is this BABY GIRL, or maybe a doll, I am not sure, she has a weird smile on her face but her eyes are glowing red so bright that make you blind.
I always wake up when I am trying to hold the baby. It is like it is preventing me from doing that.

Thanks a lot in advance
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Re: PLZ!!dream interpretation
Post # 2
I always dream that I am seeing this really dark ocean, maybe its night time, and all you can see on the surface is spot lights like planes lights as if they are searching for something or someone.

i would say that the ocean is just representing that you are adrift. the darkness shows that something has gone wrong, or possibly death. the death could just be that something is comming to an end.

Then suddenly, I see the bottom of the ocean and it is full of weird creatures, actually scary creatures.

the bottom of the ocean just represents that you are beneath something.

and in the middle, there is a huge ROCK that is glowing with a very bright RED Colour.

the rock symbolizes that you are very stern and only change very slowly over time, but the fact that it is glowing bright red represents a passion/love for something. and the fact that the rock is red means that your passion/love is not likely to change any time soon.

and beside it, there is this BABY GIRL, or maybe a doll, I am not sure, she has a weird smile on her face but her eyes are glowing red so bright that make you blind.

the child/doll represents....well a child. the red eyes show that you have a passion/love for the child.

I always wake up when I am trying to hold the baby. It is like it is preventing me from doing that.

the fact that the child is trying to back away from you represents a hard ship in staying with the child.

i hope this helps you.
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Re: PLZ!!dream interpretation
By: / Novice
Post # 3
I'm not very good normally at interpreting dreams but i would think that the dream may be related to a search for an inner child, that the plane's are you searching for yourself but then when you find it you become unable to embrace it and perhaps the creatures represent fears or bad memories, but as i said im not useually great at getting this right
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Re: PLZ!!dream interpreta
Post # 4
I am not good either.. but I believe this dream is related with your current relationship with your mother ( or a female parenting figure). Probably she is overwhelming you, even though you love her sometimes you feel like she is stopping you from doing what you think is best for you. Probably the doll signifies your goal, or yourself. The creatures, are her emotions with yours clashing and or obstacles putting by her. O_O.. but then again I can come up with more than one interpretation.
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Re: PLZ!!dream interpretation
Post # 5
You are fearing something, or something big is going to happen, that's what my friend told me when I told her about a dream with water.. That's what I think >.
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Re: PLZ!!dream interpretation
Post # 6
This means that you are looking for something in a dark place. When the rock rises that means you have found what you are looking for but the person you want is being resentful and not to be with you.

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Re: PLZ!!dream interpretation
Post # 7
I just wanted to say thank you to all the feedback I got. It certainly did help a lot.
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