Hi - I'm Chris

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Hi - I'm Chris
Post # 1
Hey. I jus joined tnite. I dunno what 2 say really. I'm not really sure if this site is a joke, a fake or actually geninue, i hope the latter, i want it 2 be at least.

Half the spells are missing as well, and i mean u have one entitled Live Forever? surely u cant do this, its impossible. I have an open mind, thats y im here but when u see

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at bottom of screen i have to question FAQ's... can anyone enlighten me, whats the deal?
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Re: Hi - I'm Chris
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2
I do add spells when I can, however, it is rather time consuming. At the same time I am updating the website, since you are new here you probably aren't familiar with how things were just last week, but making improvements to the forums and adding Covens is a priority right now.

Once Covens are complete, they too will be able to add spells to the site. So hopefully the number of spells on the website will grow in the near future. I plan to have Covens up and running this weekend.

Although this website is 10+ years old, we lost the majority of our real spells in several server crashes over the years. This current version of website was only started in March give or take a month. We still have the original spells written on paper of course but they need to be re-translated and re-entered into a computer, that is what takes so much time.

Our original website did not have forums, covens, numerology or tarot cards or any of the support pages which are here, it was just a bunch of spells, but the feedback we got from that website told us that we really needed to add these features, since a spell is of no use unless you can learn how to properly cast it.

Magic is like religion in a way. It is as real as you believe it to be. However, I am sure you can understand the possible legal concequences of a website such as this, as described in the FAQs.

Reality is defined in your beliefs, so if you believe it to be real, then it is real, if not then not.
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Re: Hi - I
Post # 3
Well answered. I can certainly see your point. I wont lie to you, I havent come here for a picnic, I've become pretty desperate. I set myself high goals which I find impossible to achieve and depression has engulfed me big time. I believe if black magic can help me cure this and if magic gives me something I shall give magic back something, I just find some of it hard to believe, for example the principle of a love spell. Say I cast one... is the force that is taking control spirits? I know im not explaining myself well but I'm still a little confused as to how a spell such as powerful as that can work without say me knowing the person but for their name... it defys belief - I want to believe, so badly but its difficult - I do beleive magic is real, but of that power?? It's intense
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