Wind Divination

CovenBaron La Croix ► Wind Divination
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Wind Divination
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
Austromancy, divination by observing the wind. Anemoscopy is austromancy in which the wind direction and intensity is interpreted, whereas nephomancy is divination by the interpretation of the movement of clouds.

Due to the historical interest people have had in weather, seeing it as a medium by which the gods express both joy and anger towards those who worship them, it is no surprise that aeromancy is one of the oldest forms of divination. The Etruscans, and Babylonians in particular have found the signs in the sky to be of great interest and practice forms of chaomancy and ceraunoscopy.

Re: Wind Divination
Post # 2
how exactly do you interpret these things

Re: Wind Divination
By: / Beginner
Post # 3
To be perfectly honest with you, a lot of people get this gift at birth. To interpret the symbols you have to meditate on them, think threw what you have seen and give it time and it will come up.

There is a reason this gift is ancient people are still interpreting things that happened years and years ago lol.

Its more a branch for people who have a good third eye.

Re: Wind Divination
Post # 4
i have a decent one just to lazy to really put it to work

Re: Wind Divination
By: / Beginner
Post # 5
LOL well rub oil on your fore head it will work wither you want it to or not.

Re: Wind Divination
Post # 6
The wind is an ancient and powerful force that has seen and heard all, if you hear its whispers and listen to its rustleing you may well learn something.

Re: Wind Divination
By: / Beginner
Post # 7
That is how i see it, just the matter of patience...

Re: Wind Divination
Post # 8
If you play close attention and make yourself one with the wind and the wind allows this then you can listen to it speaking to you. Giving you warnings and feelings as well as taking you to places where you need or should be. Things of the sort.

Council, Greed

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