Can someone help me?

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Can someone help me?
Post # 1
okay recently I have been working with pyrokinesis, and as soon as I started basic stuff with it my hands have been extremely hot. I can lay my hand on my friends shoulder and he complains about how hot it is, even with a jacket on. My friends have compared it to an oven top, and a myriad of other things and I dont know what it means. I have found that it freaks people out when I lay my hand on thier knee and it burns through their pants.
Does this mean anything at all?
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Re: Can someone help me?
Post # 2
no one at all?
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Re: Can someone help me?
Post # 3
Well what I heard from before, Heat means power to hurt. Cold means the power to heal. I have very cold hands even tho if I keep them in gloves or in my pockets.

One time when I was at a friends house, She give me a drink with ice and she had the same drink with ice. I was holding mine and so was she. We drink about the same time and the same amount. But her ice melted away and mine is still fully iced lol.
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Re: Can someone help me?
Post # 4
Well that's kinda mean. Fire is not always hurt. While yes fire is the most likely to hurt. When properly used it can heal. Or when used extreeme carefully can be used to put a crying baby to calm down and sleep all without injury. It takes controll and patience.
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