how do u cast a circle

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how do u cast a circle
Post # 1
What does casting a circle do, and how do you do it?
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Re: how do u cast a circl
Post # 2
Casting a circle keeps out unwanted influences and/or keeps in magical energy until it's matured or "fermented" enough to release the desired effect. I usually use psionic warding, it feels more direct that way. I feel the energy and intentions coming out of my hands and "staining" the space in the shape of a dome or sphere. Other ways I've heard is by drawing a physical circle in salt or chalk or rope, or asking everyone to hold hands in a seance, or asking outside forces to guard you (like "calling the quarters" or elements.)
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Re: how do u cast a circle
Post # 3
Should i cast a circle before every spell?
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Re: how do u cast a circle
Post # 4
I always cast a circle for every spell I use. Besides protection it is an amplifier for your magic
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Re: how do u cast a circle
Post # 5
Darn it, I should've found this website/thread last week when I casted a break up spell. I didn't cast a circle. Now I'm wondering if the spell is gonna work. Should I attempt it again?
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