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Post # 1
long ago a thousand years before the first great war there lived a group of people that had the power to change the world for the better. those people were called dreamers. dreamers were the once that told me and a group of friends to creat the ancient tools and the 9 keys. when we ask why and how we were given knolegd of the great war that was to come. so we began to crate the atifacts that they wanted it took us 13 years to creat all of the tools and keys to the right pesiffications.(but this is not a post of the ancient tools or of the 9 keys)
well the dreamers lead us into battle on the first, secound, third wave but they did not come back from the third wave they were captered and killed in what was called dark water. dark water is a special type of scriing liguid it is as dark as oil and as think as it to put it runs like water. that is why it was called dark water. well only the dreamers had the power to make it. well the demons had got a hold to a lot of it and drowned the dreamers the last on to go was a great fried that i had to see die she was also my best friend girl friend. be for she was forced under the dark water she said three words " we shall win " i had felled in my dutes to protect them.
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Re: dreamers
Post # 2
well thats good for you raven!
i am a dreamer....i am one of those kinds..
only dreamers had such power like that to control the world..
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Re: dreamers
Post # 3
dude, its not safe for them to come out, so if any of u guys are, id sugguest telling only those u trust...message him. dont put it in the open.

i may be paranoid, but then again i may be correct
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