Demon Banishing Spell

CovenShadow Craft ► Demon Banishing Spell
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Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 1
This is a simple and easy spell yet very effective.

I strongly recomend you do this spell in order to get back to where you were before the war.

You Should write down On Four Small peices of paper..

" The evil spirit inside of (Your Full Name) " On Each of the Four Piece Paper.

This is the Spell..

Try this if you can,

Get four small pieces of paper and on each piece write the person's name or the name of whatever it is you need to banish.

On the opposite side draw a pentacle.

Carve the same word and the pentacle on a black candle also.

Do what you would normally do as far as visualizing this thing or person being drawn away from you and ask your angels for help also. Light the candle.

Take the four pieces of paper and burn one, saying, "I banish ______ with the power of fire. So mote it be."

Bury one in some dirt, saying, "I banish ______ with the power of Earth. So mote it be."

Flush one down the toilet, saying, I banish ______ with the power of Water. So mote it be."

Then tear one into little pieces and throw it out your window, saying, "I banish ______ with the power of Wind. So mote it be."

Let your black candle burn down.

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 2
Thank you Will. Sents the attack the other night I have not been myself. I been sick and then last night was so sick that I had to call someone into work so I could go home. Before leaving I took some cold med. and then when I got home, not using my head, thought that I would have a drink to lelax myself so I could sleep. Family, take my advice never mix med. and vodka. not a good comb. I dont remember alot after that so if I said anything out of the way PLEASE forgive me. Anyway all of this is uncaritaristic for me. and this banishing spell was an answer to prayers.

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 3
thaks Kim I strongly avise everyone of us to do this spell..

The attack has left a long lasting undetectable spell on all of us..

I have experience in being cursed and I can detect it when ever Im affected by it.. I eliminated it from myself.

I advise all of you to do the same.

We need to Banish it before it takes full effect on us..

Please take heed to this warning. and take care of it soon.

love and light

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 4
look u may not want to do this but you realy need to do it if u have not this is a must it almost wound up controling me so do the spell please if u have not

stay safe and blessings to all

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 5
It manifested as Extremely poor luck over the past few weeks/months.

Thanks you for the ritual, I feel cleansed ^^

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 6
Thank you all for Banishing.

Please keep in mind however, that we can be atacked at any time by other individuals who wish to be more like us. lol

So feel free to do banish at the sign of any negativity in order to ensure your well being.

once again.. Thank you..

Blessed be..

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 7
I will try to make a ritual to make a curse repel shield
Can anyone please join in?
Private message me or post it here!

Re: Demon Banishing Spell
Post # 8
Ok...i've done the ritual...
It's on our dear covens online forum in the spell group!!!
If you do it can you plz post the results?
Thank you and blessed be!


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