Being this is for what is on one's mind, I figured I might spew out some of my latest vernacular cud concerning Lucifer and the misunderstandings of which.
The word Lucifer is found in only one place in the Bible -- Isaiah 14:12 -- but only in the King James and related versions: ''How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! . . .'' The New Revised Standard Version translates the same passage as ''How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, Son of Dawn!'' In other translations we find: ''O shining star of the dawn!'' (Moffatt) or ''O morning-star, son of the dawn!'' (Hebrew Bible). The King James Version is based on the Vulgate, the Latin translation of Jerome. Jerome translated the Hebrew helel (bright or brilliant one) as ''lucifer,'' which was a reasonable Latin equivalent. And yet it is this lucifer, the bright one or lightbearer, that came to be understood by so many as the name for Satan, Lord of Darkness.
Lucifer is not an Adversary as the word Satan (Shaiten) describes
Lucifer is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis (Lucifer) is gnosis, truth and Divine knowledge.
Lucifer makes His debut in the Testaments as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden pointing out to Eve that God is a liar and you will not die if you eat of the fruit of knowledge, which she did and did not die.
Lucifer brought us the Truth and our Free Will, shows us the way to either be One with God or to be a God ourself
Satan is a personification of the Judaic word al-satan (who borrowed it from the Persians' Shaiten) meaning adversary. The word is used more as a descriptive noun or pronoun. A fallen tree preventing a husband from getting to his injured wife would be considered a tree of shaiten, more or less.
Shaiten did not become Satan until much later where Jewish sects / tribes such as the Essenes began referring to anyone not an Essene as a Shaiten. Still further the Roman Christian church decided it was time to personify shaiten into Satan and have Him become the scapegoat for all evil in the Christian world.
There is no Satan
Lucifer est lux lucis
Lucifer is the god of progress and intellectual inquiry, not only the divine inspiration behind the spiritual enlightenment of the Gnostic and the heretic and the lover of God in all his/her forms.
Through Lucifer's spirit humanity first climbed down from the trees and has represented the flow of progress ever since.
But Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for rebellion, enlightenment and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may actually be the key to life itself . . .
The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light!
A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main communication network.
Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and wonderful. Every man and woman is a star - and now we know we have our own inner light.
''Lucifer is the god of progress and intellectual inquiry''
I find that part interesting, as it was the ''tree of knowledge'' from which the apple was taken and eaten
Thank you for reading
Re: Satanic Evangelism By: ScarlettSkye
Post # 2 Oct 13, 2009
I found this post to be worth reading. I found some good information in it. I think it was very well written as well.