Chakras are the energy vortices at a sub-atomic level of your spiritual body. They are the spiritual DNA holding the trace memories from past lives and act as the input centers for the cells of the body. The chakras are the physical manifestation of the soul in the human body. Simply put, the Chakras are the Soul in a physical sense. The system used at FMMC is based on Tibetan understandings and practices for several thousand years. This system locates the centers in the following way:
Pineal (Crown, 1st vortex)
Located at the top of the head.
Also known as the ''crown chakra'' it represents the beginning. The connection to the cosmic consciousness.
The fastest spinning center, this chakra vibrates the brightest light. The color that most describes this energy level is white.
Pituitary (2nd vortex)
Located between the brow, in the center of the forehead.
Also known as the location of the ''third eye'', this chakra is considered to be the gateway to the higher self. Where you receive your spiritual communications. It reflects the oneness of spirit with the oneness of life.
This chakra vibrates with a violet glow.
Thyroid (3rd vortex)
Located in the throat.
This chakra represents the Will center. It is the coming together of the higher and lower chakras. It is the source where spiritual will blends with physical choices.
This chakra vibrates with a blue glow.
Thymus (4th vortex)
Located in the center of the chest, next to the heart.
Also called the heart chakra, it synthesizes the spiritual and physical natures in harmony and love. The center of unconditional love.
This chakra vibrates with a green glow.
Solar Plexus (5th vortex)
Located where the rib cage meets at the bottom.
It represents the creative center, where transition takes form and shape. This center fosters the co-creation with the soul and helps the physical body manifest issues, situations and so on.
This chakra vibrates with a bright yellow glow.
Adrenals (6th vortex)
Located just a little up and behind the solar plexus.
This chakra represents the protection center. This is where the body holds onto the karmic lessons for this lifetime.
This center vibrates with a yellow glow, surrounded with a green border.
Pancreas (7th vortex)
Located below and to the right of the solar plexus.
The Pancreas chakra governs how we honor our physical kingdom. It helps us to maintain our physical nature in balance with our spiritual natures.
This center vibrates with an orange glow, much like the color of a pumpkin.
Spleen (8th vortex)
Located below and to the left of the solar plexus.
The Spleen chakra is the rejuvenation center. It helps the spiritual body heal itself after a karmic lesson has been successfully resolved, or when too much energy is put out to others or to a situation.
Like the Pancreas center, this chakra vibrates with a pumpkin color.
Root (9th vortex) Located at the base of the spine, at the cervix.
The last and slowest spinning chakra this center governs security and the grounding of ones energies. The security of the soul in this embodiment for guarantee of heath and survival. When the Kundilini energy first opens the spiritual body, it begins here at the base. Because this center is located within the area of the reproductive organs, the kundilini will not open until these organs are fully functional. For children, this occurs at the time of puberty. If the kundilini is opened too soon, a child could experience sever bouts of confusion, trauma or even illness.
This chakra center vibrates with a red glow.
The upper chakras (from the solar plexus up) are the perennial chakras that progress through each physical embodiment. The energy centers hold the memories, the talents and the past knowledge of all your previous lifetimes. The lower chakras are the annual centers. These chakras are re-created with each embodiment
the hand chakras are energy points that are used in acupuncture. I found some interesting websites on the hand chakras: l html
This site focuses on different systems of chakra interpretations, like the Tibetan system, the Rainbow Theory system, and the Theosophical system:
Re: The Chakras System By: LadyHekate
Post # 2 Nov 06, 2009
Very Nice. The Chakras System have never been my subject. Thanks for charing