Here is a list of Gods and Goddesses from around the world who's name start with the letter E. If you can think of any others which should be listed please add their names and any other information you have about them. Experiences and ideas of course is always good as it helps others!
Though Europa is not specifically a moon goddess she has
certain lunar attributes. She is the Daughter of Agenor, King of Tyre, who is abducted by Zeus to Crete where he seduces her. She had three sons. Europe is named after her.
A trickster. A shape-shifter, Eshu can change his form at will, and can even seem to be both huge and small at the same time. Eshu confuses men and drives them to madness. But Eshu also knows all human tongues and acts as a go-between for mortals and the gods.
EUEUCOYOTL (just for you Limey Viking!)
The Old, Old Coyote. Associated with gaiety and sex. A god of
spontaneity, of ostentatious ornament, of unexpected pleasure and sorrow. A trickster and troublemaker. Considered unlucky.
EPONA Horse goddess.
Usually portrayed as riding a mare, sometimes with a foal. Roman legionaires, deeply impressed with Celtic horsemanship, took up the worship of Epona themselves and eventually imported her cult to Rome itself.
A god of the Gauls "whose shrines make men shudder," according to a Roman poet. Human sacrifices to Esus were hanged and run through with a sword. For unknown reasons, Esus is usually portrayed as a woodcutter.
ERIS; The dark sister of Eros. Goddess of chaos and discord, Eris loves confusion and conflict. It was Eris who gave the goddesses the golden apple inscribed "To the Fairest," which set in motion the chain of events that led to the Trojan War.
EROS; God of love both heterosexual and homosexual, though his domain is not limited solely to sexual love and includes love in all its broadest senses. One of the oldest of the gods, the center of his worship was at Thespiae. The ancient Greeks feared Eros.
Eros can cause havoc, and there is an air of maliciousness about him. Eros can drive men and women to noble self-sacrfice, but he can also torture them to madness and drive them to self-destruction. Lacking wisdom, moderns have made Eros contemptibly cute and sweet, and somewhat prankish
EA Also ENKI "Lord of the Sacred Eye." God of water, supreme god of magic and wisdom, patron of the arts. An oracle. Ea is the god of fresh waters. Ea is portrayed as a goat with a fish's tail or a human with water flowing from his shoulders. Mating with Ninhursag ("Lady Mountain") he created the plants and gave men agriculture.
ENLIL The god of earth and wind. The master of men's fates. The god who dries up the flood waters after the Tigris and Euphrates have overflowed their banks; who brings rain; who fills the sails of ships and boats; who fetrilizes the palm blossoms. The god who struggles against the suffering of the world. Enlil's power moves all; he is
the active principle which drives the earth. Enlil sent the flood which destroyed all mankind except Utnapishtim and his family. Enlil can be found in the howling storm and the ruins and ashes of war.
ERESHKIGAL Goddess of the underworld, consort of Nergal. Some
consider her a dark side or apect of Ishtar. When Ishtar descended into the underworld to save Tammuz, Ereshkigal tricked her into leaving some part of her clothing or insignias at each of the underworld's seven gates as she passed through them. Standing naked at the seventh gate, Ishtar threw herself on Ereshkigal
but like Samson shorn of his hair she was powerless. Ereshkigal confined Ishtar in the underworld until the wily Ea contrived her release with a trick
Re: Gods E By: Honeypurr
Post # 2 Nov 09, 2009
Elen of the Ways; Celtic Goddess, of - as the name suggests - roads, paths, etcetera. Also, she's a Horned Goddess, with reindeer associations - IIRC, she guided the herds in their migrations or some such.
Ek Ahau Mayan - Black Captain, War God.
Ek Chuah Mayan - Black scopion-tailed God. Patron of Cocoa Planters and Merchants as well as a War God