There are many types of witchcraft, many of which overlap and all of which can be defined in different ways by different people, but here are some rough guidelines for their designations:
African witchcraft: There are many types of witchcraft in Africa. The Azande of central Africa believe that witchcraft causes all types of misfortune. The ''gift'' of witchcraft, known as mangu, is passed from parent to child. Those possessing mangu aren't even aware of it and perform magick unconsciously while they sleep.
Alexandrian is named after its founder Alexander Sanders. Sanders is the self proclaimed ''King of the Witches''.This craft is the second largest to come out of England. It has great emphasis on cord magic and ceremonial magic.The worshipping is done in skyclad. The Alexandrian Witchcraft is strongest in Canada, but has gone into steady decline in the States and no longer has any association with its founder
Appalachian folk magic: Those who practice witchcraft in the Appalachian mountains see good and evil as two distinct forces that are led by the Christian God and Devil, respectively. They believe there are certain conditions that their magick cannot cure. They also believe that witches are blessed with paranormal powers and can perform powerful magick that can be used for either good or evil purposes. They look to nature for omens and portents of the future.
British Traditional - This is, according to Silver RavenWolf a ''mix of Celtic and Gardnarian beliefs.'' Covens involve both men and women. One can study a course and receive a degree in British Traditional
Caledonii - This was once know as the Hecatine Tradition. Traditional Scottish Witchcraft.
Celtic Wicca - Celtic Wicca focuses mainly on Celtic and Druidic gods and goddesses (along with a few other Anglo-Saxon pantheon). The rituals are formed after Gardnerian traditions with a stronger emphasis on nature. Celtic Wicca also puts much emphasis on working with elementals and nature spirits such as fairies and gnomes. Gods and Goddesses are usually called ''The Ancient Ones.''
Ceremonial Witchcraft - This tradition is very exacting in its ritual. All rituals are usually followed by the book, to the letter and with much ceremony. Little emphasis is put on nature. This tradition may incorporate some Egyptian magic. Quabbalistic magic is often used in ceremonial witchcraft.
Dianic - Dianic can incorporate nearly any magical traditions, but emphasis is placed on the Goddess only with little or no mention of the God. Known as the ''feminist'' types of witchcraft.
Druidic - Neo-Druids are polytheistic worshipers of Mother Earth. Very little is known today about ancient Druidism and there are many gaps in the writings that have been found. Modern Druids practice their religion in areas where nature has been preserved - usually wooded areas. Druidic ritual often employs sacrifices to the Mother Goddess. These sacrifices often include grain, sometimes meat. These ritual sacrifices are often accompanied by a verse not unlike the following: ''Earth Mother, giver of life we return to you a measure of the bounty you have provided may you be enriched and your wild things be preserved.''
An American craft founded by Victor Anderson and Gwydion Pendderwen. Although in the beginning this craft was very small secretive it has now reached a wide audience.The faery tradition honors nature and reveres the dieties that personify the forces of nature, life, fertility, death and rebirth. There is no standard secret book of shadows in this craft.Some aspects of the craft still remain a secret but most aspects are now taught openly. The faery tradition provides for a passing of power upon initiation.
Faery tradition also identifies different currents of energy within the universe. Two key teachings centre on the iron and pearl pentagrams. These are meditational tools to bring oneself into balance with the universe and to explore the self.The faery tradition also permits eclectism. Rituals are offerings of beauty to the Gods
The witchcraft named after Gerald B Gardner is the dominant tradition in the world today. It has been subject to a lot of criticism and reinterpretation.It centers on the worship of the Goddess and her consort, the Horned God. They are represented in the coven by the High Priestess anf High Priest. Nature is honored as is the acceptance of all living things.
The belief of reincarnation is emphasized. Also the wiccan Rede of harming no living thing is followed.Eight seasonal Pagan sabbats are also observed. Initiation into the coven is given by the High Priestess or High Priest.You must enter the craft in ''perfect love and perfect trust''. This means you must trust you fellow coveners.A man must be initiated into the coven by a woman, and a woman must be initiated into the coven by a man. The hierarchy has three degrees of advancement.Tradition calls for advancement to be separated by a minimum of a year and one day. Only a third degree witch may become a high priestess or high priest.
The high priestess is always the head of the coven. Rituals are performed within a magical circle.The original tradition of the Gardnerian craft was to worship in the nude although most covens now worship robed. Another tradition is ''scourging''.This is the light flogging of coveners with cords as a means of symbolic suffering. Many witches also practise tantric sex magic
Green witchcraft: A Green witch is very similar to a Kitchen/Cottage witch (see below) with the exception that the Green witch practices in the fields and forest in order to be closer to the Divine spirit. The Green witch makes his or her own tools from accessible materials from outdoors.
Hedge witchcraft: A Hedge witch is not part of a group or coven. This witch practices magick alone and works more with the green arts, herbal cures and spells. In the early days, Hedge witches were local wise men or women who cured illnesses and gave advice. They can be of any religion and are considered traditional witches
Hereditary witchcraft: Hereditary witches believe in ''gifts'' of the craft that are with a witch from birth, having been passed from generations before.
Kitchen/Cottage witchcraft: A Kitchen witch, or Cottage witch, practices magick around the hearth and home. The home is a sacred place, and the use of herbs is used often to bring protection, prosperity and healing. Kitchen witches often follow more than one path of witchcraft.
This tradition was founded in 1973 by Raymond Buckland and seems to have a slight saxon basis. Buckland had been dissatified with the corruption and ego trips he saw in some covens and developed seax wicca to answer those concerns.The coven is democratic in that its leader is chosen by election. There is no binding or ritual scouging.Covens decide for themselves whether to worship clothed or skyclad. The rituals are published in The Tree : Complete Book of Saxon Witchcraft. The tradition is also open to anyone
Traditional witchcraft: Traditional witchcraft often follows science, history and the arts as its foundation. While sharing the same respect for nature as the Wiccan witch (see below), traditional witches do not worship nature nor the god or goddess of Wicca. They contact spirits that are part of an unseen spirit world during rituals. Magick is more practical than ceremonial and focuses greatly on herbs and potions. This sect of witchcraft also has no law of harming none, but does believe in responsibility and honor. Hexes and curses, therefore, can be used in self-defense or for other types of protection.
Wicca: Wicca is one of the modern Pagan religions that worships the Earth and nature, and it is only about 60 years old. It was created in the 1940s and '50s by Gerald Gardner. Gardner defined witchcraft as a positive and life-affirming religion that includes divination, herblore, magic and psychic abilities. Wiccans take an oath to do no harm with their magick.
Types of Witchcraft