The altar is a sacred place that represents our faith in the Master and also provides
the participants of the ritual with a focal point for concentration. So it should be
aesthetically pleasing to the participants but should still follow the basic guidelines that
are for the most part universally accepted in the Traditional Satanism community. Thus
there are a few key rules to how to set up an altar. Now I will say, there are many ways of
setting up an altar. The Cathedral of the Black Goat has a way that can be read about in
the Devils Bible (which is on their website) and the Black Coven of Satanas has a special
altar set up which you can read about in their book Traditional Satanic Ritual. So I give to
you one more basic altar set up:
Altar table, it should be about waist height and large enough to give you ample
amount of space for your ritual materials and needs.
A black altar cloth for Satan or blue for Lucifer. The cloth should be made by
you; meaning that you should buy the cloth and hem it yourself and add what
embellishments that you want. Such embellishments should be sigils of Father and the
Lords of Hell or the sigil or sigils of your Guardian Demon or other Demons. Though
remember Satan/Lucifer should always come first so if you plan on doing the latter
remember to make sure to have at least one sigil of Father on the cloth.
Two black or red candles for Satan or two white or blue candles for Lucifer, the
candles can be what ever style you can find or you prefer, though be weary of black
candles allot of times they are only black on the outside and white in the middle. So
before buying, if you can, scratch the bottom of the candle and see if it is pure black or
only painted black.
Two candleholders, these can be glass, metal, or what ever you prefer but I highly
suggest not using plastic for the mere fact of that it is flammable.
A symbol of Satan/Lucifer, that is to be set in the center of the altar table. Such
things as a pentagram, Baphomet, Lucifers Sigil, inverted cross, or any symbol that is
traditionally connected with Satan/Lucifer can be used.
A dagger for blood letting/mutilation, this should have a clean sharp blade. There
should be no rust or marred areas on the blade that could hold bacteria. Again I can not
stress the importance of a sharp dagger as it cuts smoother and the cuts heal allot faster
and you do less damage to your self if it is sharp. Sharpening the blade prior to and after
the ritual is highly suggested. To do this one will need a knife sharpener, which can be
found at a grocery store of hunting supplies store; these usually come with instructions on
how to properly sharpen the blade. Also, the dagger should always be kept extremely
clean so washing it regularly in hot water with anti-bacterial soap then drying it with a
lint free cloth is key as is cleaning the blade with rubbing alcohol prior to use. You
should also clean the area that you intended to use for bloodletting/mutilation with
rubbing alcohol prior to ritual bloodletting/mutilation and after the fact. Remember
stupidity is deadly and if you do not keep your dagger clean, as with your wounds you
will surely find this out the hard way.
A dagger for burning prayers, mixing things, and all other nonbloodletting/
mutilation acts save for use in invocation for which the
bloodletting/mutilation dagger should be used.
A small pot made of earthenware, porcelain, or clay to burn prayers in or mix
things in. This should not be plastic, metal, or glass, as heat will make all three break,
burn, or heat up to the point of causing a fire.
A chalice, it should be either made of thick glass or metal. I really do not suggest
A black plate to hold the host in the Satanic Mass. This can be a small tea cup
plate painted black with spray paint. The plate can be made of any material.
A ritual book, which should be black. The book can be a black notebook binder in
which you print all your texts out and simply put them in the binder or you can find a
black book that is in normal book style with blank pages. Then you can write or print off
the texts and paste them onto the book pages. This book holds all your rituals and sacred
texts. You can also keep your dairies of rituals, meditations, and other workings in it if
you like.
On the wall behind your altar, which should set in the east as it is the direction of
Satan/Lucifer; you can draw in chalk the sigils of Father Satan/Lucifer. These should be
drawn right above the middle of your altar. You can also draw the sigils of the four Lords
of Hell or other Demon sigils beside the Masters sigil or sigils. But remember these sigils
should not be bigger or be set above any sigil of the Master. Also if you prefer instead of
drawing these out you can have paintings, prints, drawings, or posters of sigils hanging
on the wall above your altar but the same rules apply to these as with the chalk drawings.
Finally a couple of notes to the reader, the altar should always be kept clean and
free of dust. Thus showing respect to Father. Also we do understand that some of us live
in situations that demand our secrecy. So if need be make sure the altar table can be
broken down with a black cloth laid over the top to keep it safe and clean when not in use
then you can hide it where ever you see fit.