Once you astral project you start perceveing higher frequencies. Soon you can use Biprojection technique that actually means that you are in two places at the same time - With your physical body and astral body. You can also replicate your bodies ( For starter, astral body ) and you can even create a corpse effect of being in three places at the same time - With physical corpse, etheric body ( life energy ) and astral body.
From astral world you can bring many powers into physical world, but everything takes a little time. In aw - astral world you start controlling your energies, their flow etc. Then you can bring this new skill into physical world - that allows you to now actually send out your energy in the way that you feel it as being solid, liquid or gas, however you want to feel it.
Do energy blasts, visible psi balls ( takes time though ) or many other things.
Since we are in Darkness rising coven I will say also those things : You can use your energies in astral plane to devour other spirits, demons, souls, angels etc, to take their powers, skills, energies etc.
Have fun.
Re: Powers from AT ( AP ) By: Doubleanon
Post # 2 Dec 14, 2009
Also as a note. Those powers you see from anime, a guy waves his hands and earth before him is crushed somehow. That is just using your solid for of energy, that is invisible to crush the earth.
Also, a psi ball visible in your hands is very dense and solid. Using it to attack someone makes a damage that depends what kind of psi ball has been made. It either is like a iron ball in your hands that is hit against him/her or it is a solid ball that not only hits him, but messes up his energy system as well, and might even kill the enemy.
Re: Powers from AT ( AP ) By: Doubleanon
Post # 3 Dec 14, 2009
A good ability from astral world is energy manipulation in the way to you do feel the energy. For example you close your eyes and let your energy touch a cup in the other room in a way that you 100 % solidly feel it. Make your energy have extra eyes and "plant" eyes "behind your back". Other powers are that you gain from several other factors in astral world.
Re: Powers from AT ( AP ) By: Doubleanon
Post # 4 Dec 14, 2009
Also my thoughts about imagination, picturing things to create something. Or for example to imagine a wire of energy going out from your body and latcing it on another body to imaginabely steal energy seems like fake to me, but it is possible for this to happen. Although it happens rarely with certain people. Those certain people must possibly have a well opened third eye. But to me imagening seems a good way to only program your subconcious, emotions etc. Nothing more, nothing less.