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Hello everyone.
Post # 1
I need some help. I'm very depressed with the way I look. I've tried everything to lose 38lbs and nothing. I'm scared of taking more pills because they effect your liver. I need help to lose weight and remove body hair. I'm fat and hairy which makes my self-esteem
low. Can someone help me or give me advice.
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Re: Hello everyone.
Post # 2
paulie, I used to weigh 330 lbs, I lost 80 pounds over a 8 month period by sheer will power. the first step to losing weight is to understand that it won't happen overnight and that constant work is needed. Starting slow is the key, I started by walking 10 minutes 3 days a week (for 2 weeks) then I moved up to 30 mins 3 days/wk then I took up power walking.

The trick to losing weight while walking: Stretch a WHOLE LOT before walking, stretching is a workout for your muscles, and once they are loosened they can burn energy easier and allow blood to flow faster to carry away toxins.

Magic is not a resort to altering yourself. If you cannot make the change yourself it is not worth making. Plus I know there are plenty of chicks out there that like hairy men, atleast the one I found does.
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