
Forums ► Spell Suggestions ► Pleez
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Post # 1
a Mermaid spell would be awsome
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Re: Pleez
Post # 2
I guess you can adapt the werewolf spell: kneel in a spiral drawn on a sea shore or lake bank during the full moon (or better yet a full moon in Cancer, AND Neptune in Pisces while Pluto is in Scorpio,) with a salmon-leather bikini greased with hallucinogenic ointment... and bathe in an infusion of hallucinogenic and poisonous herbs while calling to the "phantom of unparalleled elegance" to make you into a mermaid.

But I would personally feel more comfortable cutting out all that ritual (because you might end up just getting high/poisoned, hallucinating, and/or drowning,) and just asking Neptune (or Triton, Nicksa, whoever,) directly. If you can't astral project and talk with them there, then I guess you can pay attention to your dreams or daily "signs" after you ask.

The latter way might take a lifetime, if it happens at all, but I think it's better.
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Re: Pleez
Post # 3
I've had a few encounters with merfaes before - word of warning: IGNORE FAIRY TALES!!!!!! The only way to actually turn yourself into a mer faery without the risk of adapting a werewolf ritual is by meeting one and personally asking, but don't even try it, as the vast majority of merfolk clans are deceiptful and can trick you into drowning.
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