So for the bit of you wondering what are indigo, crystal and rainbow children let me clarify
First let me tell you, google as a complied amount of info there does not mean all of it is good i personally find some of it lofty or insulting due to ignorant mindsets.
There was a wave as early in the 1970's about children being born with brighter auras than before, and these children has indigo auras, in peaked even higher from 1990 to 1995
They called these children the indigo children, they are part of the many group of individuals called the star children. these children were quite human and were mentioned in all prophecies around the world like the hopi people link here-
indigos and all other children are described to be old souls who have incarnated to help people adjust into the dimensional shift which is coming very soon, since that dimension is native to indigos they know it more as "home" and will be the best people to help you brake into your new wonderful environment.
indigo and crystal children even though not pushed into the spot light even has some scientific finding behind them that they has extra dna coding not found before in other people, but apparently this is changing, since everyone else it getting this coding as well. Do you feel as though time is moving quicker than before? well if you just brushed it off its time to pay attention, listen to that inner voice and focus on the important things in life, be prepared for the journey that will soon come.
well since i didn't have much time to go into this topic as i wanted it shall be addressed later on
Indigo chilren were known well for the mass of highly developed psychic abilities they used in everyday lives such as global empathy and communication this got even more intense with the newer set of children - the crystal children
see another link concerning indigo children -
and one on the cyrstal children mixed with other info
and finally the newest set of children to be born the rainbow children who carry all colours of the incarnation ray
there are some of them that actually can - look at china's super psychics, how ever not everyone can do it off the bat although anyone can learn to . Also the shift, though it is dangerous to give an exact date from what ascended masters have said it is expected that the forth dimensional shift will finish at 2011, i am predicting it to be around march or so but i can be wrong, but take note that the shift is already in process and 2011 just marks it as almost complete, since it will quickly soon shift into 5th dimensional consciousness soon after ( not this has nothing to do with end of the world 2012 although the dates are used)
okay let me address a few things with your statement, the vibrational shift had begun before that since they were reports about a small handful of indigos being born in the 60's etc it was also around the "hippy movement" apparently
addressing your comment about the vibration ending at that date is incorrect since that only marks the completion of the shift into the 5th dimension. there are allot more changes that will happen at light speed according to the ascended masters, this period of time is only the beginning to the whole process.
From what i learned there are 13 dimensions of consciousness some people say 12 but i stick with 13 when you follow up its esoteric nature, its not "unlucky" as people are led to believe it is one of the most sacred numbers