In my view, I see that many people attempt to meditate as a starting place. I do nt see how a person can achieve success in this without having learned deep relaxation first. Deep relaxation has benefits apart from preparing one for meditation. For example, after practice one can achieve a relaxed state in one or two breaths. This is helpful in stress situations, anger management, or simply getting through a bad day.
I do not know all the ways to exercise DR (Deep Relaxation), so here I will teach the method I developed and use every day myself. If there is one thing you can do to help yourself in a day, it is being able to take a short time out to relax.
So, this is what I do, it takes btween 30 - 40 minutes.
Light some insence, if you like,play a relaxation CD, and lie down in a comfortabe postion. Rest your left hand on your heart and your right hand slightly below it. Ensure the lights are low. Candles flickering will not help.
Close your eyes and become aware of your breathing, but do not try to influence it, - do what comes naturally. Become your breath. After a while your breathing will naturally slow down. Think of your body sinking heavily. I count my breaths. When I hit 20 I change to yogic breathing, - that is, breathe in to a cout of 2, on 3 and 4 hold the breath but keep it open. Then breath out with your throat tightly closed for a full 4 breaths. Breath with your throat. Do this for 3 breaths. Thoughts will come, - acknowledge them then let them pass through and be gone. It does not help to try and stop them. If you suddenly remember something for example, think 'I will remember that later', and let it go.
When you have reached breath 23, continue with normal breathing. Contine to be aware, but not controlling. The more you are with your breath, the greater relaxation you will achieve.
When you hit 40 breaths do yogic breathing as before for 3 breaths. You should be able to feel your whole body chi now or soon. Enjoy that freedom. Awareness breathing again up to 60, and same pattern at 80. The relaxion ends on breath 99, and you should feel relaxed and refreshed.
It takes a few goes to learn, and of course make your own adaptations. After you have practiced, in day to day life you will be able to relax and centre just by one or two yogic breaths. Be well xx
Re: A Primary Basic. By: Dragken_GGD
Post # 2 Dec 28, 2010
a very good post indeed,, always thought of them as the same. i learn something new each day