Animal Items

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Animal Items
By: / Novice
Post # 1
I noticed that there were some animal products, like the alligator claw. They seem interesting but I was wondering how they were acquired, are they from farmed animals?
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Re: Animal Items
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 2


I believe most of the things like the claws, boars teeth and so on are collected in slaughter houses or other processing plants. This has the double bonus for businesses where they can sell the remains for a little extra cash and they don't have to pay extra disposal fees for biological waste.

If you are concerned about the mass slaughter of animals in the 3rd World for cheap tokens you can rest easy. Our supplier supplies Occult shops all across North America and they are always making sure that their suppliers adhere to the laws in the USA.

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Re: Animal Items
By: / Novice
Post # 3
Ok, thanks for letting me know. I may consider getting some of these items.
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Re: Animal Items
Post # 4
Some are made from different materials, some required from the actual animal.
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Re: Animal Items
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 5

Yes, I would read the descriptions of the items. Sometimes items may be made of plastic or other materials and not actually be from an animal.

This will be mentioned in the description, and items from actual animals will say it is actually from a specific animal.

If you have any questions about a specific item you can always ask us in the shop's contact page and we will look into it for you.

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