why are most people on this site scared to post up their own pictures of themselfs? Afraid that someone will cast a spell on them, or something of that sort? why have fear in this magickal community?
You are 17. Ask again when you are 30. No offence, hon. It's an experience thing. When a person experiences enough things to tell them to protect their identity on the web, one will do so.
I think it has to do less with the cursing threat and more with personal choice. Many are not out of the broom closet and want to keep it that way. Those experienced in magic do not fear others cursing them unless they are caught in the web on their own actions.
Especially from people with pitchforks and torches. I hear they don't look there.
Its not fear as much as it is precaution. A picture is a part of you, it belongs to you. And if someone has that possession of yours, it is a direct link. Old susperstition believes that it captures a piece of their soul.
I personally don't fear magick being cast on myself, I just don't want to have to go through the hassle of dealing with the possibilites. I have more important things to do with my time. Even though I openly where a pentacle around my neck at all times, I tuck it in my shirt at my place of employment. It is very difficult to prove termination due to religion.
I don't have art either because I am accessing this from my android phone and it doesn't allow me to upload. Its not my top priority. And lastly, don't you enjoy the mystery? Just a little?
Some like others to see their photograph. Others do not. It's a choice. My profile has a picture of my altar. But amongst my other pictures there are some of me. There is also the possibility of being recognised. Perhaps an employer seeing your picture? Personally, I couldn't care less who sees my picture; but there are many who might care very much!
And just in case somebody asks why we don't use our real names.This site is world-wide. My real name is Brian. How many Brians are there in the world? I should think quite a few!
Another reason i forgot to mention is that people are naturally critical and believe the stereotypes of witchcraft. A forum is to converse and share knowledge. Not to compare who looks more "magical" or "cooler". Just because someone dresses up in a cloak and looks creepy doesn't mean they have any experience in the craft. It could be their halloween costume.
Also, not all people who are good looking want others flirting with them. You know all of us witches are gorgeous. Kidding...kidding. Maybe. =P