There is no quick cure for stress. The best thing I can suggest is to figure out what is causing it if you havent already, and find ways to get rid of it. If it is something you cannot avoid then try exercise, deep breathing, eating a healthy diet. Keep your body as free of toxins as possible and make sure you spend time doing something you enjoy that is not frustrating :) hope this helps
I handle stress by walking in nature. There is a healing, calming aspect of a forest or field or pond. If that doesn't work try meditating, or something that is relaxing to you, like reading a book.
Chamomile tea, peppermint tea, or valerian tincture (herbalism).
Lavendar scents (aromatherapy).
Chrysacola and hematite are my personal favorites for anxiety. (stone magick)
GROUND GROUND center and GROUND! The #1 reason people become overwhelmed with anxiety is they are not grounded. A lot of times, this is not easy to achieve when you are already stressed. I found a lot of relief in the mantra "Nam myoho renge kyo", which is a Buddhist chant that focuses on living in the now, not dwelling in the past or living for the future. It's important to live in the moment. You can find the chant on youtube if you're like me and need to hear it and chant with it for a while, in order to duplicate it. There is also a heart sutra that is very calming to listen to, I've yet to get the hang of chanting it myself. Zebrah got me hooked to Buddhist chant. =)
Cleansing and healing baths work well too, but you can't just sit in them, you need to visualize the energy of the water getting rid of the "dirt" (unhealthy energy) on your aura and in your body, especially paying close attention to the heart chakra and root chakra. Use this time for meditation, visualization, and if you like, chant too.
Don't forget eating healthy, exercise, sleeping well, and taking "me" time out for yourself everyday.
You need to find peace within yourself. It isn't an easy or quick task. It takes time, patience and continual dedication. But it is well worth it. You will not find anything that will truly cure anxiety because the answers lie within your own mind. If you feel that you can't handle the anxiety on your own, seek counseling. There are free hotlines. And please try not to opt for medication, that only covers up the problem.
Are these panick/anxiety attacks or just anxiety? Because attacks (fight or flight response) can be linked to other health problems. For instance, I have mitral valve prolapse (a heart defect) that triggers mine. Attacks can be triggered by hypoglycemia, thyroid disorders, hormone inbalance, adrenal problems, and the list goes on. Treat the root of the problem, and your anxiety will vanish. So if you experience fight or flight, you may want to think about your over all health and any other symptoms you may be experiencing, then go see your doctor and have him take a few blood tests.