eye sight spell

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eye sight spell
Post # 1
do you know any spells to make someone's eye sight better?
in the late time i noticed that mine is getting worse!
and don't tell me to simply go to the doctor - i am going to go to him or her any way no matter will you or will you not tell me to do so))
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 2
Start smoking, for some reason that makes my eye sight better...

Hm.. Could just be the nickatine, considering I always do feel sleepy all day : //
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 3
i doubt it would make mine better
by the way - nicotine is a stimulant so it shouldnt make you sleepy
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 4
I ment that im always sleepy alday until I take a smoke which wakes me up and makes my eye sight better.
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 5
in my case it's just that i probably seat in front of my computer for too long
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 6
Smoking is a bad advise, I can't believe someone would tell you that. That would damage more parts of your body. Create a spell and meditate on it, it will work.
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 7
Try eyebright....good herbal remedy. Works good as any spell
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Re: eye sight spell
Post # 8
masterme - i actualy never tryed creating spells
but i might just try
Rainbow64 - thanks a lot for the recommendation!
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