what is an seb

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what is an seb
Post # 1
i have heard it mention but not explained can some one pleas elaberate
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Re: what is an seb
Post # 2
I am actually wondering the same thing. I tried googling but it didn't really help.
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Re: what is an seb
Post # 3
"An Seb"?

"A Seb"?

a "Seb"?

Could you explain your question, in a bit more detail?

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Re: what is an seb
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 4
The only place I could find any metion of a "seb" was in one of our fantasy magic spells on this site. If that is where you found the reference just stop now, go pick up a dictionary and look up the meaning of the word fantasy, then go to the home page, read up in the newbie central area as well as the articles tab. Magical make believe is a waste of time. Use common sense, maturity, and magical knowledge/basic intelligence, these are your greatest and most essential magical tools.

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